Helpful Guide to Newborn Parenting During COVID-19

Following birth, a period of family-isolation is inevitable and natural. Mom and baby will spend time getting the hang of breastfeeding, while Mom recovers from any physical challenges presented with birth. The COVID-19 quarantines could, therefore, be the perfect opportunity to bond with and create special memories with your newborn. If you’re both healthy, there’s no reason you can’t foster a physical and emotional bond while you’re stuck at home. Take this unplanned time and make the most of it by spending quality time with your little one. Here are some helpful tips to help you cherish every moment.


Breastfeeding is best for your baby. But what about during a viral outbreak? So far, there has been no evidence to suggest that the Covid-19 virus can be transmitted through breast milk. Ensure you wash the area of contact and your hands well before feeding to prevent any germ transmission and you’re free to continue! If stress is affecting your milk production, consider looking for new ways to manage stress. A great option is newborn yoga. There are multiple sites with stretches and poses you can perform with your newborn that will decrease your stress and allow you to spend some time with your baby. 


Since you’re going to be home most of the day, it will be much easier to slip into the baby’s schedule. Everybody has their own thoughts and philosophies on how and when a baby should sleep. Some women like to take a baby-led approach, whereas others are keen to create routine as early as possible. In times of COVID-19, routine is thoroughly disrupted. This might present the opportunity to explore a variety of sleep techniques and options. Safely implemented co-sleeping might be particularly helpful for relieving your stress during this uncertain time, which in turn may help breast milk production. 

Be Vocal

It might be easy to stay quiet while you’re at home with your baby all day but don’t be afraid to make some noise. Sing, talk to, or even hum to your baby. Everything is new to a newborn and they love to hear new sounds, especially when those sounds are from the familiar, soothing voice of their mother. 

While this might not be an ideal situation, there is some good that can come from it. Try to look at the silver lining and enjoy this unexpected time with your newborn. For more information, click here. 


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